
4th of July Message from Steeda Autosports

Oftentimes we may forget the real meaning of the 4th of July Holiday, hence it is very important that at this time we focus on the American spirit and the people that defend it, because it is what separates us from the rest of the world. As President Ronald Reagan once stated: "...putting people first has always been America's secret weapon. It's the way we've kept the spirit of our revolution alive--a spirit that drives us to dream and dare, and take great risks for a greater good. It's the spirit of Fulton, the Wright brothers and Lindbergh, and of all our astronauts. It's the spirit of Joe Louis, Babe Ruth, and a million others who may have been born poor, but who would not be denied their day in the Sun".


Special thanks should be provided this and every day to the defenders of our liberty - the men and women of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and other public servants, as they make great sacrifices to ensure that our freedom and liberties are protected from compromise and are never taken away from us. We are all indebted to them for their countless sacrifices and endless dedication they provide.

There is so much to celebrate this holiday weekend - so together let's reflect, be thankful, and enjoy some quality relaxing time with our loved ones and most importantly - have some fun!

Steeda supports and employs American workers and Veterans.

All the Best,

From The Entire Steeda Staff

Steeda - Speed Matters(r)/Power to The People(r)